Studies show that more than 70 million Americans suffer chronic pain, which makes it more widespread than heart disease, cancer and diabetes combined. Every year, chronic pain treatment costs the economy more than $100 billion. And as a large number of chronic pain cases involve back pain which is at present widely being treated across the country through expert minimally invasive back surgery Los Angeles surgeons emphasize the vital necessity for having competent and cost-effective treatment for chronic pain.
A nonprofit group called Mayday Fund that studies pain treatment, endorsed by an array of medical groups, advocates a revolution in the training of doctors in various treatments including spinal surgery Los Angeles research and the education of law-enforcement officials say.
When it comes to spine surgery Los Angeles experts advise not to assume that your doctor knows what to do to treat your pain. The science of pain treatment is ongoing with additional extensive research needed to understand the nature, causes, and effects of pain. And according to a top local spine surgeon Los Angeles medical professionals are strongly urged to receive better pain-management training in medical schools and more resources for pain research.
The nonprofit group also urged the federal Department of Health and Human Services to reform the way doctors are reimbursed for treating pain for improved results. For more information about pain treatment and spine surgery, contact your local expert spine surgeons to learn more.