Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Spine surgery and undiagnosed back pain

Spinal surgery is meant for those patients who have yet to find relief in alternative methods. To qualify for spinal surgery one must a have an identifiable problem. Some people have back pain for no reasons that x-rays can see or test can prove for those people Spinal surgery Los Angeles is not an option because there is no telling for certain whether there is an anatomical legion, and a surgeon should not open up the back blindly because it places to many risk and has no guarantee for reward. Besides the unsafe conditions of opening up a patient without a diagnosis most patients who do have diagnoses fear whether Spine surgery Los Angeles is safe or not. Spinal surgery has become safer for different types of patients throughout the years but for those who have undiagnosed back pain alternative methods such as acupuncture has shown great improvements in pain relief.

Although a hurting/damaged spine is fragile, risk run high and there is no room for error spine surgery is now safer than it has ever been in the past. Traditional spine surgeries do still exists but are done rarely and only for major back surgery. Because of the advances in technology and medicine, procedures which were once done with great fear can now be done through tiny incision. Less invasive spine surgery is performed often even though it is more costly than traditional spine surgery. Less invasive surgery involves the use of tiny incision and tiny medical instruments which are moved and navigated through to fix the problem using a tiny video camera that magnifies the area and direction in which it is located making it very easy for the surgeon to see what is happening on the other end. Because the back is not opened for such surgeries bruising and pain lessen which makes the recovery time extremely shorter. Those who need major spinal surgery are not candidate for this minimally invasive procedure however if the patient has been diagnosed with scoliosis, herniated disks or require spinal fusion caused by degenerative disk.

Leading Spine surgeon Los Angeles say that after less invasive spine surgery most patients are out on their feet speedily. Spine expert Los Angeles suggest walking around the hospital a few weeks after surgery to make sure that the spine legs and everything is functioning correctly and getting the spine use to movement in order to speed up the recovery process. But this was very different with traditional spine surgery which sometimes meant an entire year of bed rest. The spine is very fragile and to protect it one should always stretch before doing any exercise and experts suggest stretching daily regardless of exercise. If one has back pain that can not be diagnosed they should see a chiropractor and get involved in acupuncture which has been proven to do great things in back pain patients.

1 comment:

  1. Great informative post. Nice mention about the acupuncture technology here. Spine surgery is really the best solution for severe back pain and the laser spine surgery has even made the surgery process more simpler.
    herniated disc surgery
